PLAY: John, Paul, George, and Ringo
snippet: “It’s these two guys. They wanna join the Beatles.”
time: 1:46; specs: 1.6 MB mp3
written by: Cecil Vortex; starring: John Kerry, George W. Bush, Benson Hurst, and Cecil Vortex
What if, hypothetically speaking, the two presidential candidates, by bizarre coincidence, bore the first names of the two Beatles who’ve left this mortal sphere? OK, now hold that thought. What if, once again, speaking entirely hypothetically, what if the two remaining Beatles were therefore obligated to consider the aforementioned presidential candidates for induction into the world’s greatest rock band?
What if? What if indeed. Enjoy, and watch the skies, -CV
Meme List
November 1, 2004 at 9:43 pm
Kerry, McCartney, Bush, and Starr
Hey, the Who need a drummer and a bass player….
rodney k
November 2, 2004 at 8:37 am
I’m addicted to Cecil’s Paul (or is it Ringo? Sounds a lot like his John). Anyway, love that lilting Liverpudlian whatever it is–“crack is whack.” It’s like the Jackson Pollock version of the Yellow Submarine cartoon voice.
One question though–where’s Brando?
November 2, 2004 at 9:14 am
If you listen backwards, you can hear a voice whispering “Brandy’s dead.”
November 2, 2004 at 9:33 am
Also, during the “speaking in tongues” section, W. is really saying “I killed Brandy.”
Itto Ogami
November 2, 2004 at 11:40 am
awesome! wickedly entertaining and major kudos for the sound editing. made me laugh on an tense day filled with elections and electoral maps.
“The worthy gentleman who has been snatched from us at the moment of the ELECTION, and in the middle of the contest, whilst his desires were as warm and his hopes as eager as ours, has feelingly told us what shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue.
—Edmund Burke, Speech at Bristol on Declining the Poll
made me think of gore
heroic imp
November 8, 2004 at 5:20 am
I miss the beatles. Was the 5th beatle Ralph? And how come he go no play. Pete Besting Ralph huh?