PLAY: The Sequence of Things
snippet: “…just waiting! …on your doorstep!”
time: 1:52; specs: 1.75 MB mp3
script and music: Cecil Vortex; cast: Bee Nisbet, M. Smith; featured backup vocalist: Shonny Vortex
My favorite pizza is the pizza from my hometown. My favorite bagels are the bagels from my hometown. I have an old friend, he has an excellent theory: It’s the water really, that’s what he says. He says what I like so much about my hometown pizza and bagels is really just the taste of my hometown water. And he’s probably right. Because before pizza can be pizza or bagels, bagels, there has to be water. Sequence is key.
That’s something Wally never really understood. At least, not until today. But you’re just in time, because he’s about to get his Ph.D in The Sequence of Things. Enjoy, and watch the skies -CV
October 4, 2004 at 8:42 am
Fantastic! Put me in mind of the Rutles’s classic “Cheese & Onions,” or the zanier bits on the Electric Company (so much funkier than Sesame Street). And more, MORE Shonny Vortex! I remember her background work on ‘Walk on the Wild Side’–magnifico.
Captain Marsupial
October 4, 2004 at 5:10 pm
A+B=B+A. Yet A-B/=B-A
AxB=BxA. Yet A/B/=B/A
Does sequence only matter when time’s arrow moves forward? Entropy always increases in a system.
Does Frank Zappa have to come before this piece exists, or could this piece exist, and then Zappa rises from the grave?Which comes first, the Beatles or the Rutles? Would the sandwich taste different if it was onions and cheese? Do I have to spell things out?
Touch upon the deeper mysteries of the universe, and away.
the RaptorMage
October 14, 2004 at 1:05 pm
Derrida says sequence is irrelevant. (Some would say he “said” it, but they are bound by outdated conceptions of time and place excessive importance on an inauthentic definition of accuracy.) The con-sequence — nay, the deliberate co-llision — of “jumbo” and “shrimp” must be allowed to analyze itself through more than one vector.
Itto Ogami
October 15, 2004 at 6:15 am
linearity shackles. in statistics, log-linear models extend the principles of generalized linear models (regression) to improve treatment of dichotomous/polytomous dependent variables, focusing on association of grouped data, looking at all levels of possible interaction effects. log-linear, unshackled, and in theatres everywhere.
“The right to vote is a *conSEQUENCE*, not a primary cause, of a free social system — and its value depends on the constitutional structure implementing and strictly delimiting the voters’ power; unlimited majority rule is an instance of the principle of tyranny.”
—Ayn Rand
“ConSEQUENCEs, shmonSEQUENCEs! So long as I’m rich!”
—Daffy Duck