Stack of Mitts

Stack of Mitts
PLAY: Stack of Mitts
snippet: “Gettin’ my old glove fixed.”
time: 2:17; specs: 2.1 MB mp3
script: Cecil Vortex; cast: Lisa Bush, Rodney K., M. Smith
Two friends ambling down a leafy path. A casual chat about baseball mitts. Could anything be more innocent?
Yes. A lot of things could.
But fortunately, none of these things lie at the heart of this particular amble, this particular chat, or this particular episode of Monkey Vortex Radio Theater. We give you: Stack of Mitts.

5 comments on “Stack of Mitts

  1. yup, cows ARE different. they (and pigs, salmon, chickens) are now fed low-priced (subsidized) corn, which scientists think may contribute to the root causes for most of today’s major ailments: cancer, depression, obesity, insulin resistance, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes.*
    “The sweet mellifluous milking of the cow.”
    —Sam Walter Foss (1858–1911), The Milking of the Cow.
    *anti-corn propaganda brought to you by nutritionists and those that care. show your support by pelting your reps with corn.

  2. cows in brasil look like bulls without horns and are much more tasty than american cows (i’m told)

  3. I think the Mitt Lady is right…. Not only are mitts nowadays different from those 24 years ago, but also so are shoes, wallets, and chaps. My 20-year-old chaps offer much more support and chaff less than my new recently purchased ones.

  4. the “tiny different cow is a death sentence! it’s a cow and it’s tiny! neh!”

  5. People have got to get beyond that one Joe Rudi catch. The guy was the best arm and among the top 3 outfielders in the early ’70s; he made plays like that every week.
    (Besides, it was only Game 2, not Game 7. And if he hadn’t hit the homer earlier, the catch would’ve been irrelevant.)

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