Abu Ghraib: The Untold Story

Abu Ghraib: The Untold Story
PLAY: Abu Ghraib: The Untold Story
snippet: “There. This feels so liberating.”
time: 3:04; specs: 2.8 MB mp3
Scoop! Who can turn the world on with her smile? Brace yourself, loyal listener, for the shocking answer lies just ahead.
At great personal risk, MVRT has recently obtained the tape the Liberal Media doesn’t want you to hear — the tape that proves once and for all that conditions inside the notorious Abu Ghraib “prison” weren’t exactly the “nightmare” Cronkite and his cronies would have you “believe.” And we have the proof!
Herewith, the shocking story behind the photos — a tale told by goof-offs, steeped in hi-jinks, packed with end-to-end madcap mayhem, and all recorded in front of a live studio audience.
Warning: Not really all that surprisingly, this segment is rated “Yikes.” And I think I speak for everyone when I say how very disappointed we are to find you still here, still reading this opening text, pondering whether or not to go ahead and play the file. Shame on you. Shame! (Note: This Creep-edy&#8482 feature is rated “Yikes.”)

Category: Creep-edy™, Yikes

6 comments on “Abu Ghraib: The Untold Story

  1. Wow. (long pause) wow.
    I’m speechless.
    Which is probably a very bad thing for a posting.
    All I can say is, that’s terrifying and funny.
    Excellent! A very special episode.

  2. like a club med with iron bars and torture.
    offensive and funny, my favorite combination.
    “There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are all free, or you are not free.”
    –Walter Cronkite…or, Walter, you are not free, and naked, bound and tortured. wonder if you know who experienced this with skull and crossbones.
    “Stone walls do not a prison make,
    Nor iron bars a cage;
    Minds innocent and quiet take
    That for an hermitage;
    If I have freedom in my love,
    And in my soul am free,
    Angels alone that soar above
    Enjoy such liberty.”
    Richard Lovelace (1618–1657?), To Althea from Prison, iv.

  3. Abu Ghraib: the lost tapes

    The untold story the librul media doesn’t want you to hear.

  4. Abu Ghraib: The Untold Story

    I haven’t talked much about the Iraqi Prison Scandal, but when a secret tape breaks the entire investigation wide open, I gotta chime in. Listen with caution. They’re watching you……

  5. it’s funny because it’s ‘true’.

  6. Yikes indeed. But I wasn’t pondering. I was wondering when the hell you were going to shut up and let me get to the audio.
    Now you are going to hell!

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